About the school
in-mocion is a school of creativity applied to team projects.
Small classes, contents that draw inspiration from a variety of disciplines.
Working with small groups of people, we are able to foster a learning by doing approach and to give room to shared reflection. We design trainings in petit comité in order to create an enabling environment for teamwork in which it’s easier to share reflections, learnings and experiences. A friendly place for the individual and the group for experimenting and learning.
The trainings contents are based on the teachers’ professional experience. They draw inspiration from a variety of sources within Design disciplines, Dramatic Arts (Acting, Improv, Clown) and NonViolent Communication.
Training creativity.
Humans are creative beings. One can reckon that some professions are commonly thought of as more creative than others, although it is also true that we use creativity in our day to day, without even realizing it. In some environments creativity is applied in a structured way, in others there is far less awareness around it. We are interested in working in both contexts: either to strengthen what is already there and to build awareness about creativity when needed. Experience teaches us that creativity can be trained and we will prove it with inmoción. We invented this word, mixing the Spanish emoción (emotion) and English in motion, to describe that emotion that puts our creativity in movement.
Training on being, doing and thinking how to do.
We love reflecting on the elements that can foster creativity within a group. Both in terms of creating frameworks and when it comes to processes and tools to boost individual and collective creativity.
Knowing how to use the tools and techniques is as important for a professional as it is knowing “how to be”: one person’s attitude and beliefs are paramount. With this in mind, we design and implement learning experiences rooted in training on being, doing and thinking how to do.
The emotion that sets us in motion to create.
When students tell us that, after a training with us, something has changed for them, it makes us incredibly happy. It means that something has been set in motion. An emotion is generated through listening, stimulating creativity, reflection, practice and experiment. We like to call it “inmoción”. It is what boosts us to create and to learn everyday something new.

We design trainings for people: individuals, teams and companies.
The school methodology is based on a genuine interest in people and focused on facilitation (meeting design), co-creation, design thinking and on the creative process as a cross-cutting theme.
The application process for most of our trainings starts with an interview with the candidate. It consists in a short conversation to get to know each other and covalidate that the training program fits the candidate’s needs and expectations.
In this way we are able to know the profile of the participants and to form committed groups of students for the courses and workshops.
When it comes to designing an in company training, it’s not always possible to interview the participants before the course. Therefore, we work with our contact person/team within the organisation in order to become acquainted with the future students and to align the learning goals with the needs of the teams attending the training.

We train on (for the moment):
Facilitation and meeting design
Design thinking
Ideation and creative problem solving
Strategic design
Service design
Design research
Visual thinking
Bodystorming or acting techniques for prototyping
Dramatic Arts and expression tools to improve presentation skills.
Nuestros cursos en distintos formatos e idiomas
Damos formación en español, francés, inglés e italiano.
Trabajamos físicamente y online en cualquier sitio del mundo - aunque intentamos coger el avión lo mínimo posible para cuidar del planeta. De momento estamos principalmente en España, Francia e Italia.
We train teams.
We train individuals.

People at in-mocion
We are a team of professionals passionate about our disciplines and willing to pass on our knowledge. We are Charlotte, Vittoria and a group of collaborators.
El equipo Base
Charlotte Schoeffler
Founder and director at in-mocion.
Learning Experiences Designer. Service Design, Design Thinking and Facilitation Teacher. Co-creation meetings Facilitator.
My passion for teaching and learning processes pushes me to be continuously studying. I love observing other teachers doing their job, whatever their discipline might be. I studied Industrial Engineering and Strategic Design.
Vittoria Tedaldi
Creativity Booster.
Supporting and inspiring creativity is my vocation. After 10+ years in marketing, strategy and management for international companies I decided to reorient my professional path. At in-mocion I co-facilitate and mentor courses and trainings, I also take care of most of the contents and of the communication of the school. Outside in-mocion, in my work as an independent consultant, I focus on strategic research, creativity and facilitation.
Ana Gascón
Creativity Booster en in-mocion
En in-mocion soy co-facilitadora y mentora en cursos y formaciones, creo contenidos y cuido la comunicación de la escuela. También, trabajo como freelance en design research, facilitación y estrategia.
A team of collaborators with professional experience, keen to co-design trainings, to teach and to share expertise.
Dorothy Silva
Investigadora de Diseño
Marcela Machuca
Diseñadora de Servicios
Irene Estrada
Diseñadora de Servicios
Jonatan Morquecho
Joaquín Pérez-Mínguez
José Manuel Pérez Prado
Business Designer
Oier Romillo
Diseñador de servicios
Guille Medín
Grace Ascuasiati
Design Researcher
Rosa Torguet
Diseñadora de servicios & investigadora
Sagrado Nova
All our students and clients: thanks to you we can continue to pursue our passion, growing and learning.
Some of you during the facilitation workshops, service design fundamentals course and journey and blueprint workshop.