Trainings for your company
We design tailor-made trainings for your team or company.
Designing tailor-made trainings, together
We adapt the courses to your team’s context and needs, according to the time available, your budget and the learning goals. We make sure that the objectives are achievable and the number of participants is adequate in order to make the most of the training.
When needed, we can help you define the learning needs of your team. Our suggestions are based on both the professional experience we have in the disciplines taught and on our experience as trainers.
Reflection and practice: the keys to learning
The trainings include different parts:
theory: brief and actionable
collective reflection: it helps the participants take the knowledge in and start thinking about how they could apply the theory to their field,
practice: hands-on training, application of the theory. There is always a practical part in our trainings, although it could vary depending on the time available and the number of participants.

We call “courses” those trainings that last more and have a longer theoretical part.
Our “workshops” are shorter and more than half of the training is focused on learning by doing.
We give courses, workshops and talks in Spanish, English, French and Italian. We work mainly in Europe but we are available to move all around the world.
Some examples of the trainings we design
Have a look at some of the courses and workshops we created for different organisations and teams:
Workshop: Facilitation (Meeting Design) in “petit comité” – 20 hours
Workshop: Deep dive into User Journey and Blueprint. Deepening Service Design skills. – 21 hours
Course: Service Design – 40 hours
Workshop: introduction to Design Thinking – 2 days
Workshop: ideation and creative processes – 6 hours
Workshop: introduction to Visual Thinking – 4 hours
One to one sessions: Facilitation, Service Design or Design Research (different levels)
A día de hoy enseñamos:
Facilitación y meeting design o diseño de reuniones
Design thinking
Ideación y resolución creativa de problemas
Diseño estratégico
Diseño de servicios
Investigación para diseño o design research
Visual thinking
Técnicas de bodystorming o acting para prototipar
Recursos de las artes escénicas e instrumentos expresivos para mejorar presentaciones
Nuestros cursos en distintos formatos e idiomas
Damos formación en español, francés, inglés e italiano.
Trabajamos físicamente y online en cualquier sitio del mundo - aunque intentamos coger el avión lo mínimo posible para cuidar del planeta. De momento estamos principalmente en España, Francia e Italia.